A Year of Igniting Faith

Lead Pastor, Adam DePasquale, catches us up on the year of Igniting Faith at Walnut Hill and where we are this Spring as we step into My Crew: Part 2.

As a church committed to igniting a passion for Jesus, Walnut Hill Community Church has developed four Driving Initiatives that we are focusing on over four years: ignite prayer and worship, ignite faith, ignite my witness and ignite compassion.

This year, September 2017-August 2018, we are focusing on our ignite faith initiative where we are committing to growing deeper in our relationships with Jesus and one other. Here's what that looks like in practical terms. 

Ignite Faith: Milestones

This year, as church body, we are committed to:

  • Encountering Jesus every day during our First 20.
  • Embracing a relational discipleship model (called My Crew) where we each establish a crew of peers, a mentor and a mentee. 
  • Becoming actively involved in a discipleship community: Community Groups, Alpha, Bible study classes, men’s and women’s groups, and care groups.
  • Practicing and growing in understanding of biblical and historic spiritual disciplines and practices: serving, prayer, worship, forgiveness, fasting, study, accountability, giving, evangelism, diversity, spirit filling, thanksgiving and more.
  • Understanding the core essentials to our faith through a spring sermon series and teaching videos on the foundations of our faith.
  • Making ministry to your family a priority.
  • Continuing to support and develop new believers through classes (such as Alpha), individual mentoring and the regular ministry of the church.
  • Being baptized. Once you have surrendered your life to Jesus, commit to learning about the importance of making a public declaration of your faith through baptism.

Ignite Faith: Key Events 

September 2017

Fall Ministry Launch

My CrewPart 1 Launch

September 22-23

Women's Retreat (valley Campus)

September 29-October 1

men's retreat (valley campus)

October 6-7

women's retreat (Multi-campus)

October 21

Iron Sharpens Iron: Men's Conference (Multi-campus)

October 28

Spiritual Gifts Workshop (multi-campus)

January 2018

Winter Ministry Launch

My CrewPart 2 Launch


Sermon Series – Transformed: Life of Paul

January 26-28

Igniting Faith in Others: Weekend With Pastor Gordon and Gail MacDonald

February 28-March 8

Church in Action Week (International Faith)


Sermon Series – Rooted: Foundations of our Faith  

Teaching Videos - Foundations of our Faith

April 28 & May 5

Raising Godly Children (Multi-Campus Event)

Questions? We would love to hear from you at mycrew@walnuthillcc.org.